• Impressions from HeartWoods

    Impressions, feelings, learnings and research questions

    By Berenika Rozanska   “Confess your hidden faults. Approach what you find repulsive. ...
    By Berenika Rozanska     Our final experiment at the Seed Bridgehouse was to stop. To...
    March 27, 2024
    By Berenika Rozanska   “Let us not forget about the Invisible. Only if we call upon the...
    By Berenika Rozanska   Waking up before seven. Hot water with a bit of homemade vinegar....
    Today I witnessed a Being being born. Today I was a midwife. Today I witnessed an emergence of a...
    What were some of the moments that constituted those days that have long passed now when I write...
    By Karol Sprawka   Somewhere in the quite remote village of interior Portugal, very close to...
    March 10, 2024
    By Berenika Rozanska   We are sitting on the ground in the pine forest. We are letting our...
    By Berenika Rozanska   It is Monday again. We are back together. The ocean is roaring behind...
    By Berenika Rozanska   Driving to another Bridgehouse location me and Łukasz were listening...
    By Berenika Rozanska   What defines if Bridgehouse is a “success”? I realised I had some...
    By Berenika Rozanska   Last 4 days were about regeneration outside of the Bridgehouse. About...
    By Berenika Rozanska   Karol asked me the other day: “Why are you writing?” This question...
    By Berenika Rozanska   So many times when I notice a slight swampy feeling, a subtle emotion,...
    My Being loves Simplicity. Simplicity is a gate where my Being gets intimate with Life. It’s...
    February 28, 2024
    By Berenika Rozanska   It came to me very clear even before arriving here what my intention...
    By Berenika Rozanska   As the days become richer and richer, I am noticing my focus moves...
    By Berenika Rozanska   I feel myself transforming from Going Towards to Going With. I draft...
    By Berenika Rozanska   The world doesn’t make any sense. The story I was most attached to...
    February 21, 2024
    By Berenika Rozanska   The day was rich. Waking up at 6.30 in the morning. Listening to ...
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