Forestry, Rage and Equinox - Day 38

Bridgehouse in Weaving

· The Seed Bridgehouse,Berenika's Reflections


Waking up before seven. Hot water with a bit of homemade vinegar. Wooden deck facing the sunrise. Fresh flowers collected on the dunes and a lit candle. Morning meditation accompanied by symphony of birds flying around in an ecstatic dance celebrating the movements of the spring. Qigong. I find it hard to wake up with very slow exercising in the morning, and I am observing this resistance and me and where it comes from. Breakfast outside in the sun like every single day until now here in Aljezur.

We jump on the back of a pick up and we are driven to the forest where a few overgrown old pine trees require our attention. We are singing on the way. I climb higher in higher branches and prune old pines. I feel ecstatic to be climbing trees again. I loved it so much as a child. It feels like dancing, requires focus and yet is easy, like if I always knew how to do this. The pine is spreading, strong and welcoming. I am flying between branches cutting the dead limbs with devotion. As the tree gets lighter, I feel gratitude washing over me - it seems to me that its the trees that are grateful. When I get tired the automatic executive disconnected mode takes over and I lose contact. I scratch my arms and legs carrying and pulling cut brunches on the ground into piles. When we finish the sense of satisfaction from my body being in conversation with other beings and objects fills me from within.

After lunch we go for a the Rage Club. We start with “Espresso”, move to “Sword practice” and then we “Stellate Anger”. I reach a new level of anger and I sense I can go further but a fear stops me. I feel so powerful that I fear to hurt others, but when I share it after it is dissolved. I am eager to try again and go even higher.

After “Dragon Speaking” I burst into tears. I feel excruciating pain. I scream and weep uncontrollably. Part of this pain is mine and a part I took in for others that are unable to feel the pain or their pain has not been expressed. I decided it is my responsibility to express their pain. I am unable to make a new decision yet, but it is growing within me.

In the evening the procession starts towards the cliffs, We carry wood, warm drinks, instruments and blankets. Lukasz and Karol start the fire. There is wind, there is a crashing sounds of the waves meeting the cliffs, there is a moon and stars, there are clouds. All elements are amplified. It is not pleasant. It is very rough and we are very present.

I find a beautiful curved piece of wood that looks like a lady snake. We decide it is going to be a representation of the winter, and following old Polish tradition, we will burn it. We say goodbye to things. We call upon other qualities to support us. The elements roar around us, as we invoke. We sing and dance and sit in silence.

As I am about to ritualistically say goodbye and burn the Winter, I slowly turn the stick around. Other shapes, other Beings come to light in the light of the fire. We all gasp seeing the Wood Dragon emerge. Today we have chosen a symbolic date of closing the Seed Bridgehouse. We started the Bridgehouse with the first day of the Wood Dragon year (according to the Chinese horoscope). We are ending the Bridgehouse with burning of the Wood Dragon.