My Being loves Simplicity. Simplicity is a gate where my Being gets intimate with Life. It’s essence is sheer "is-ness". It is sensing, feeling and creating and it doesn’t do anything Extra. He comes to the front only here and only now. She is a feeler and a mover. My Being disguises as a Pirate, a Trickster and sometimes a Weaver, a Possibilitator and a Bridge Maker, a young man, and old man, a timeless man. It is a Space where Bright Principles come through and do their Job. There are no „shoulds”, „have to’s” or „musts” for my Being. And yet it is a Radical Being. Not Extreme, yet Radical. Radical in a sense of how he comes forth, how he comes alive. Radical in distinguishing what is real and what is not. Radical in Honesty, in touching an experience to the bone. It loves adventure and it loves companionship. Sometimes the companionship is the Nature: the Sun, the Trees, the Bees, the Earth or the Spaciousness of the Space and sometimes it is a companionship of another human beings, fellow travelers, often lost in their visions or stories, their healings and struggles, yet on occasion fully being here, with Presence and appreciation of what is, touched by the encounter’s magic and mystery. My Being loves the tears on my cheeks, when after being distanced from myself, from my sensing/feeling capacities, lost in the stories of the past, it is coming down to the essence, to the heart of hearts. It loves to breathe, and loves to be in awe of the beauty and mystery of life. My Being is a movement, a constant evolutionary change. My Being rejoices being Here!
Thank you Beloved Sun, thank you Gaya for your Nature, the Seed Bridge House Team, thank you for companionship, for adventure, for being witnesses to each other’s evolution.