The Day was Rich - Day 14

Bridgehouse in Weaving

· The Seed Bridgehouse,Berenika's Reflections


The day was rich. Waking up at 6.30 in the morning. Listening to Łukasz - the man I am relating to. Hot marjoram tea, purring cat, rich sunset colours, music of sheep flocks with bells moving in the distance. Pirate agreement - writing morning with Karol at the kitchen table. Delicious breakfast in the garden. Karol says that he is already complete by being able to be in Nature with the Team. Anything else is an Extra.

Team Logistics Session. Meeting with Ewa and creating a series of events and announcing it within one hour. Effortless joyful creation. Other work flows lightly for me.

I spend time with Ravi strolling with no purpose in the garden and discovering. We eat small sweet mandarins in silence. We board a pirate ship aka tree house and take a trip up the Amazon river. I go running on empty sunny roads of the Portuguese interior. Just me, the Sun and the Mountains around me.

We ride to the town to have a meeting. We give up on what we planned to do, as something else is alive. Ana’s idea to meet in a town’s square worked. Ravi is cycling around and playing with other children and we have our adult time. We share from the heart, we ask for possibilities.

I hold space for the first call “Women Creating New Culture” for my women’s circle in Poland. I invite the Unknown and I invite the questions. I trust more and more in what wants to happen. I feel Connection and Discovery in the space unfolding.

I sit in front of Łukasz. We look at each other for a long time. We cry. We cuddle. We sleep. There are no words needed.

The day was rich.



Today Feelings were felt.

There was Aliveness, Love and Transformation, High Level Fun.

There were Emotions surging. There were Reactions creeping in.

There was Intimacy.

There was Creation.

There was Pressure and there was Regeneration.


The day was rich.