So Many Things - Day 16, 17 and 18

Bridgehouse in Weaving

· Berenika's Reflections,The Seed Bridgehouse


I feel myself transforming from Going Towards to Going With.

I draft Plans and I set Intentions. I say out loud what I want and I allow for surprises and synchronicities. I am becoming better at sensing when the wave is coming and how to ride its energy. I am becoming better in sensing when there is no wave and just be still and enjoy the water and the stillness.

For me the first phase of the Seed Bridgehouse was a lot about seeding trust. Seeding Companionship. Seeding the Team and sensing the Space. Setting up systems of co-living that work.

It was also very much about seeding Collaborations and Creation. Me and Łukasz just launched our new Polish project. Me and Ewa are preparing our first online space in March. I have held the first session of “Women Creating New Culture” series for my women circle in Poland that I organise and spacehold. I am following the Artist's Way impulse and starting the day with 3 pages in my diary. Each one if us diving intensely in creating out of necessity and out of an impulse to create.

It was also a lot about building first steps on how to create a Village that raises a Child. How to commit to discovering the gold that Being with a Child brings us. For me it is also about allowing Love between me and a Ravi to flow. I am learning how to open my heart for this unforeseen and totally unexpecting Love that I receive for No Reason.

I also feel Village Weaving happening. Not only between us in the Bridgehouse. We make connections with the local community. We offer Possibility Management services. We ask for support. We are invited to prepare formal space and we are preparing for that. We are planning a weekend with a bigger group of friends at the Seed Bridgehouse.

There are more and more learnings. Weaving Regeneration In. Experiments on how to make our Living and Creation regenerative. On how to identify cultural patterns we don’t identify with and try other forms of Being and Acting from. Cultural Norms. Assumptions. Recognition of the Assumptions. Decision that I want something different. Recognising What I Want. Experiments. New Possibilities. I am writing them down. I will share them when the form and content are ripe.


Last night we watched “Howl's Moving Castle”. I still have revibrating love and compassion for all the characters resonating inside me, and the strength and courage of Sophie that accepts What Is, and just takes the next steps out of Integrity and Love. Moving Castle as a place where we are accepted as Weird as we Are.

Full moon night. Makha Bucha holiday. The day to celebrate the Community. The fortnight of the Bridgehouse, since its symbolic seeding during the new moon.

We talk about making on Monday a more broad review of Where we Are and Where do we want to go from Here. I sense wee are moving to Phase Two.

We decide we will not stop within one month of the Bridgehouse. We go on until the Purpose of Why we are here is Complete.




“So Many Things!” #

# What Ravi exclaimed with ecstatic joy once when asked what he occupied himself with in the morning



I am sitting in a busy local cafe on a rainy Sunday morning writing those words. It is my birthday.

I feel I belong here because belonging is an ongoing decision I can take in every moment.