By Berenika Rozanska
Our final experiment at the Seed Bridgehouse was to stop.
To stop and symbolically close the Bridgehouse space and to see how the space changes. Then, we started an undefined period of 6 more days together.
A friend told me in the beginning that he believes we need fixed structures and processes at the beginning of a new cultural creation. Ideally after sometime they become ingrained habits and cultural patterns. It is like a stick or another plant or a rock that supports young plants to grow, before it gains enough inner structure to continue keeping the balance on its own.
Not being a Bridgehouse exposed for all of us our subconscious beliefs and stories we have created about what a bridgehouse should be. “I have certain expectations or pressure on myself when I am in ‘a Bridgehouse’”. “In a Bridgehouse we should have schedules and processes”. “Bridgehouse is an intense experience”. “Bridgehouse is a training space”.
Being not-a-bridgehouse for all of us seemed to not change much in terms of the way we lived - we still did morning practices, work, processes, we still gave each other feedback and held space for whatever was coming up. We still trained in putting the poop on the table, pulling the rug from beneath ourselves and others. However, some expectation and some pressure, that we associated on some level with Bridgehouse, was off.
It worked because we were still committed to ourselves and to the others and to the purpose of Transformation.
Can we be in the Bridgehouse next time as committed and also as relaxed as in the not-a-Bridgehouse?
We will see.