Today I witnessed a Being being born. Today I was a midwife. Today I witnessed an emergence of a Wild Woman, the Woman Who Speaks, the Eagle Woman. Today I was initiated and transformed by Spaceholding.
We are two women walking and breathing through a quiet pine forest. It is nearly sunset. We are on our way to the Temple - a light structure made of bamboo and old windows hidden in the forest.
Black cat - Yoda - is following us (he will wait outside and come back with us when we are finished). We start with rage work. Lying down feeling anger circulating in our bodies, vibrating with the earth slightly shaking with the ocean waves breaking on the nearby cliffs.
I am about to hold an Emotional Healing Process for Ewa. The process starts immediately. In the beginning I feel emotional fear. The further we go the more I feel pure fear circulating in my body. I feel calm, anger and fear make me hyper present. As I am navigating Ewa through her feelings and emotions. There is something elegant, effortless and at the same time dignified about being able to enter the Flow, to assist and witness layer after layer the Unfolding. I bring more pillows under Ewa’s arms and legs as she is letting her body in a strong convulsions of fear followed by rage.
As we journey through a past emotional fear, with an almost natural emergence of the new decision following an old one, more and more of Pure Fear starts circulating in Ewa’s body. We dissolve and transform any residues of the emotional fear into the nervous system. Some alchemy changing the past fear in ustoppable Alivenss is happening. Ewa’s body becomes more and more vibrant. Waves of Joy and Anger appear. The field of pure Fear gets stronger with every minute, with my body shaking slightly while I hold the space.
Suddenly, when all the feelings seem to have been felt and integrated, Ewa sits up and starts Speaking. Her eyes are Wild and Alive. She is Fearless and Fearsome, because she embodies and owns the high intensity Fear that moves through her. She Speaks. She tells me the messages that Mother Earth has for me and her, as the feelings move through her body. She tells me she is an Eagle and she can see far and her voice can be heard far. She says She is Ready.
We spend long minutes looking at each other. The dusk is settling in. I do not have words. I feel I was somehow initiated. I feel honoured.
I do not Understand, but I Feel and I Know.