What defines if Bridgehouse is a “success”?
I realised I had some subconscious assumptions about what a Bridgehouse success was. That there was a “success“ at all. My rescuer tendencies and my patriarchal goal oriented upbringing wanted to make the Seed Bridgehouse a “success”. I had certain goals I wanted to achieve. On some levels I wanted to oversee that everybody's “bridgehouse needs” come to fruition. I casted a net trying to hold together diverse contexts and needs in one place with a hope of weaving them together and make everyone happy. It cost me energy that I could spend better elsewhere.
Yet I noticed that.
Yet I was able to see all my survival strategies popping up, attend to them and come to the place of clarity about What Is.
What defines if Bridgehouse is a “success” seems like an oddly paradoxical question, trying to patch Old and New Culture together.
What defines if a Bridgehouse is actually a Bridgehouse?
The Bridgehouse exists when we are able to define and hold the common context. When we are able to create and uphold space for Transformation. When we are able to act with integrity and clarity upon what is and take next steps. When we are able to see the situations that arise and take responsibility for them. When we are able to take responsibility for our emotions, capacities, communication and actions. When we show up where there is conflict and we attend to it. When we are committed to experimenting living the New Culture. And we don’t give up.
We are a Bridgehouse.
We are a Bridgehouse because we took a stand and we continue to be taking the stand. We are a Bridgehouse because we were able to put the poop on the table, and speak out all that is not working for us and take clear decisions without trying to “change” anyone.
Yesterday we had a meeting. It became clear that there are two contexts in space, and the space cannot bear the fruits of the Purpose with two different contexts simultaneously. There were feelings and there were emotions. Everybody said what they wanted and what didn't work for them. There was a lot of clarity. Four of us (Ewa, Karol, Berenika, Łukasz) decided to continue living in the context we have designed for the Seed Bridgehouse in another space.
There was Grief.
There was Joy resulting from Clarity.