Last 4 days were about regeneration outside of the Bridgehouse. About changing conditions to allow the rest to come in. A blessing of a beautiful yurt of a friend in a beautiful surroundings. I was alternating between resting and intimacy. I was letting go. I was releasing. I was letting all residues of tiredness and tension from all my bodies. There was no internet. There was no network. There were no other people than me and Łukasz. Just here and now. Silence, the birds and the cat.
We did the ”feeding your demons” process on Sunday. I just casually asked Łukasz: “Hey do you want to do a demon feeding ritual?”. How exciting and enlivening is it to be with a partner who is as committed to transformation as you?
I saw friends. I reconnected with the place that is still my home after many years and which energy and spirits support me - Boomland. I walked in the very high grass for this time of a year, getting my shoes wet, touching, smelling, hearing, seeing, sensing, tasting the Land.
I feel so much new energy flowing in. I took care to make space.
I made space. I allowed for a radical rest.