I am reading a book about local specimens of reptiles and amphibians with Ravi by the fireplace. My brain takes new forms, new Portuguese words fly in space, and I am at Awe by the Magic of Nature all over again. The wish arises to see a salamander. The next day we get out of the house and when we look at the almost empty water tank, Ravi shouts. A beautiful black and yellow salamander is swimming in the water. She looks tired. We take her out. We put a woodboard so the lizards can go in and out of the tank. At night I cry uncontrollably, as I feel the futility of rescuing, the accute pain of not being able to relieve the world from suffering, the pain of not having certainties. The Pain.
First team meeting in the solar room. Creating structure. Different qualities by different people spaceholdings. Different qualities by different Bright principles and Intentions called to space. Maps are drawn, lists are made, ideas are being glued on walls.
Weaving organic time with structured time. Weaving different approaches towards food. Weaving radical freedom with radical responsibility in logistics solution and checking if it works.
Outside-of-the-Bridgehouse but created in the Brideghouse projects weaving seeds.
Exploring possibilities to include a Child in a meeting.
When I am in a structured formal space how much of my focus is on speaking and how much on listening? Can I relax more into being and speak more from the heart even if the meeting is about logistics?
One story: first few healing spaces spontaneously emerging. One scheduled, other spontaneous. Spontaneous healing and creation.
Another story: each meeting there are emotions coming that need to be addressed and acknowledged. Is this slowing down the transformation or is THIS transformation? Is Bridgehouse about a project or is bridgehouse itself a project with its own life or both? How do you define if something works or doesn't for the Bridgehouse? The urge for answers and certainties arises again. The Box shakes.
And yet if we ask ourselves were is our place right now we know it is here. This is the Place. This is the Transformation. We commit, and recommit and show up over and over again.
Did we start too fast, too intense? Are we aiming too high? Shall we slow down? Proposal: Exercising to come back to What Is (Being in Attention for What Is)
I repeat. Do we want it easy? Do we want a certain outcome? Do we want it Real?
“The world is a going-on together. A becoming-together. Becoming-with.” Bayo Okomolafe
the times are urgent
let us slow down.