Seeing Magic Happening Through Us. First “Menu” ever for all of us in a small provincial Portuguese town, as we are offering Possibility Management experiments and spaces at a local market. We start with sensing the space. Then we Go. We put our chairs up, we place our board with what we offer up, we centre, ground ourselves and we call in Bright Principles and Golden Cube of Space. An energetic field is created. All of us feel different levels and kinds of fear. Some of us feel joy. Ewa does Fear Check-in. We give each other feedback. The market is small and intimate, so we are very visible and it is easier to make connections. We are on Fire. In the breaks, if there is no clients, we hold space for each other. The space is open, ongoing and it's working. People ask: “Who are those people?”. People ask: “Will you come and do a workshop for us?”. Lots of curiosity arises, feelings and emotions arise, Aliveness arise. We recieve invitations from people who heard about us already the same night. We already are a Legend.
Seeing Ewa in her element moves me to tears. Extraordinary Spaceholding Happening.
Joy and integration. Organic cafe at an abandoned train station, cold river stream full with white flowers that sooths my body after the day in the full sun, quiet and energising sunset at a megalithic site.
Village Weaving. We do not “provide” value. We create Value in Connection. We have Being to Being encounters. We have High Level Fun.
Being in Service and Becoming Visible shifts the dynamic of the Team from Internal to External. It is about something bigger than Us. And that creates Space, Energy and Inspiration we need to be in Service of Regeneration.