The Seed Bridgehouse

The Seed Bridgehouse

The Seed Bridgehouse was a two months intensive co-living and co-working experience in 2024 for a group of people interested in transformational work, conducting experiments in living together on the same land with fellow edgeworkers and co-creating and co-stewarding Transformational Hubs for Regenerative Cultures.

More Details

Each journey starts with the first step.

For our journey in creating the HeartWoods the first step was The Seed Bridgehouse that happened in February and March 2024

Read about our journey here


The Purpose 

The Seed Bridgehouse was an incubator for:

  • Building the Context for a blueprint of Transformative Hub for Regenerative Cultures
  • Growing the Team that is called into establishing Transformative Hub for Regenerative Cultures
  • Sensing a Space that has a potential to become the base for Transformational Hub for Regenerative Cultures

The Principles

  • The guiding Archetypes of The Seed Bridgehouse journey are Village Making and Gameworld Building, so we can create space for Evolution and Guardianship to unfold.
  • The Seed Bridgehouse guiding principles are Transformation, Love, Life, Collaboration and Creation.

How did the transformation happen in The Seed Bridgehouse?

  • Experimenting with Possibility Management tools to facilitate co-living, co-creating, transformation and sourcing the next steps of creating of HeartWoods (Codex, Rules of Engagement, Decision Making Processes, etc.)
  • Holding the Possibility Management (Archean) Context to facilitate building a Regenerative Culture matrix together
  • Supporting each other to explore and take a stand for their own non-linear ways of creating non-material value and serving Life
  • Opening for the Unknown, for Life, for Sacred to guide us
  • Having High-Level Fun

Rules of Engagement

  • You are deeply moved and fully agree with the purpose of the space
  • You truly feel called to be a part of the team that experiments in living together on the same land with fellow edgeworkers and co-creating and co-stewarding a Transformational Hub for Regenerative Cultures
  • You feel the commitment to the process of walking the path of discovery together
  • You have a stable inner structure and matrix and you know your “X” on the map
  • You agree with all the other conditions stated on this page

Place & Time:

Castelo de Vide and Aljezur, Portugal


10 of February to 26th of March 2024

Join us in creating other spaces where Life and Regenerative Cultures can thrive!