Gathering of Tribes - The Huntress and the Lover Camp

Gathering of Tribes - The Huntress and the Lover Camp

The Gathering of Tribes is a new kind of event designed for ​a new era. A co-created conference bringing together impact ​​entrepreneurs, change makers, activists and community ​builders across ecosystems. A festival to celebrate the ​regenerative ecosystem and to connect for action.

HeartWoods, together with Mosaic, is organising a "The Huntress and The Lover" camp at GoT to dive into a square one of regeneration - regeneration in relationships - with ourselves and with others. Our mission is to name, explore, and share experiences to stream the regenerative movement toward greater accountability, resilience, responsibility while creating containers for vulnerability, kindness and the Unknown.
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The arrow of the Huntress pierces through our beliefs, illusions and masks and hits the heart that opens blossoming with authenticity. The sword of the Warrioress destroys the old and oppressive so the new and interdependent can emerge. The Lover opens the body and a heart to relax into being and sensing and sends a call for the movements coming from Love, rather than from Despair.

Welcome to The Huntress and The Lover Camp dedicated to unravelling the most intricate dynamics that are undermining the regenerative movement. Here, we delve deep into the complexities of where this movement and its makers self-sabotage, and struggle to break free from the clutches of outdated paradigms. Simultaneously, here, we create patient and kind spaces for compassion, for unanswerable questions, for shattering grief, for a full surrender to the power of Life.



The Huntress/Warrior Questions we want to Offer:

→ Do I observe myself and others In Regenerative Movement falling back into the games of superiority, power dynamics, creating drama, emotional reactivity, productivity, pressure, patriarchy? How do I move through those dynamics? How do I transgress into new paradigms of leadership and relationship?

→ How can I become a more regenerative and responsible being to better serve the web of Life?

The Lover Questions we want to Offer

→ How can I embrace the vulnerabilities and insecurities that emerge within me and others and transform them into gold?

→ How can I build a Regenerative Culture oriented more toward being present and being with, and less toward doing?



Inner Regeneration → Becoming an Initiated and Relaxed Adult

  • The value of presence, self-awareness, openness for experimentation, risk-taking (leaving behind the concept of failure).
  • Increasing personal capacity, inner regeneration, resilience, power, and vulnerability via learnable tools and creating systems of support
  • What does radical responsibility and accountability actually mean? How to put it into practice?
  • What does Regenerative Leadership look like? Transitioning to more distributed and inclusive forms of leadership requires challenging deeply ingrained beliefs about authority, expertise, and control.
  • “What are you called to do to close the gap between current global crisis and fully interdependent living?”

Human Relationship Regeneration → Exiting Patriarchy into Unknown

  • What are the old cultural patterns we bring into regenerative movement? Is Regeneration the new portal for big scale greenwashing capitalism, spiritual bypassing and again living a fantasy that this time we are doing something different?
  • How can we address underlying systemic issues and create safe vulnerable spaces for understanding and authentic connection?
  • How are we projecting personal insecurities, biases, traumas or unresolved conflicts onto others, hindering trust and collaboration?
  • Archetypal Work as a gateway to New Culture?

Land Regeneration → New Doorways to Relate with Life

  • Ownership: How shifting away from this paradigm toward shared ownership and collective stewardship can be challenging due to entrenched power dynamics and cultural norms?
  • Cyclical living: How can we shift our perception of time and our relationship to it from artificial calendars to natural cycles, aligning our actions with the tides of the ocean and the cyclical interplay of the elements.

Onboarding in the camp→