Expand The Box Training

Expand The Box Training

Are you ready to discover your extraordinary nature?

Join us in in Casa Li, near Faro, Portugal

16 and 20 of October 2024

Info & Registration: https://forms.gle/AzatQ1RnFpdzwPpi9
More Details

EXPAND THE BOX - Portugal 16-20 October 2024 
with Vera Franco

Human beings were designed to fly. 

Perhaps you have secret longings. Longings that your brilliance will shine bright and serve others. Longings that your talents are seen, appreciated, and of use. Longings that you get to fulfil whatever you were designed to come here on Earth to do.  

Perhaps what you are burning for is actual living in a culture that prepares its people to ignite their genius, have access to non-linear creative domains, or tap into inexhaustible sources of energy and empowerment. 

The Expand The Box Training is a training space designed with powerful healing and initiatory processes to precisely open you up to these new abilities and resources.

This is a 5-day residential training where you learn experientially about who you truly are, behind the masks and the survival strategies. In an ETB you empower yourself and others to discover new possibilities in facing blocks and stuckness, discover the power of feeling your feelings and using them to create what truly matters to you, and you are welcomed into a new culture of people who are radically committed to the unfolding of your potential.

Are you ready to discover your extraordinary nature?

Info & Registration: https://forms.gle/AzatQ1RnFpdzwPpi9